Saturday, March 14, 2009

Reflections on current affairs

The state of affairs in the world today provides so many great object lessons. I watch tv and am amazed at how quickly the American public can whip itself up into a state of shear panic...and sometimes I even wonder if they enjoy it, for once someone starts the fear bandwagon, everyone else jumps on.

The current fear is the economy. I say current because there is always a fear. Once people getting tired of being afraid of the economy, they will pick a different fear.

Personally, I have come to a point in life that I, too, get excited when things seem bleak. But not because I enjoy being afraid (cause that's weird, people!), but because it has been the times in my life when everything is falling apart and I am helpless that God shows Himself most mighty.

In the current stage of the economy, I am feeling hopeful. I am eagerly awaiting the next miracle that God will send my and my husband's way. My husband and I have so many dreams and ambitions for life and we know that God has some incredible things in store for us. I want to climb on top of a mountain and proclaim to the whole world that I don't care what the stock market says or what the rate of unemployment is, cause my god is God of the economy and He is still on the throne!

But now the cry of my heart is obedience and contentment. For even though God can do miracles, He doesn't guarantee them. We are not entitled to them. Currently, I do not have a job. I am doing a volunteer position that provides an extremely small stipend, so it's better than nothing, but it's not much. What if God wants me (or rather, us) to just rest here in His provision? Then here I will- obediently! :)- rest.

I think back to the Israelites and their journey from slavery to the promised land. They were God's chosen people and He did so many miracles on their journey. But the journey was hard. The promised land was far more wonderful than their minds could conceive. In fact, when God sent some of them to spy out the land before they took possession of it, they crawled back in fear because they said it was TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! Can you just imagine what God has in store for me and you? I don't know exactly what the promised land is for me, but I know that it is better than where I am now because the Word says that we go from glory to glory.

Anyway, the point is that even though God had something mind-blowingly wonderful in store at the end of their journey, He didn't make the journey easy. He made them eat manna, this bland bread stuff, day in and day out. And they got sick of it! And they complained and complained. And God became angry at their attitude.

And now I pray that God would grant me the grace to be one of His chosen, on the way to the promised land, but that I may also gladly and thankfully eat the manna when He gives it to me! As the Scriptures say, "Godliness with contentment is great gain."

Even though the economy is failing and I still don't have a job (although my husband does), I know this: God has provided for my every need and I am on the road to the promised land! :)

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